
Ashley Ross is an intellectual property partner whose work focuses on patent and trade secrets litigation. Ashley has a degree in molecular and cellular biology, and routinely works on Hatch-Waxman, life sciences and high-tech patent cases, involving small molecules, pharmaceutical compositions, biofuels, therapeutic antibodies, DNA amplification technology, and mechanical and medical devices. She has been an integral part of multiple district court and ITC trial teams, preparing witnesses to testify, taking witnesses, and writing briefs and motions attendant to trial. She also has extensive experience in conducting all phases of pre-suit and discovery practice, including patent dance proceedings, taking and defending fact and expert depositions, arguing at Markman hearings, and facilitating motions practice.

In addition to her patent litigation practice, Ashley has been involved in several of the firm’s pro bono programs, including work with the victims of human trafficking, and persons seeking asylum in the United States.


Thought Leadership


"The Road Ahead: Potential Challenges Facing CRISPR/Cas Patents," Patricia Carson and Ashley Ross, Life Sciences IP Review, November 9, 2017


Admissions & Qualifications

  • 2014New York


  • United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • United States District Court for the Southern District of New York


  • Georgetown University Law CenterJ.D.magna cum laude2014

    Order of the Coif

    Final Editor, The Tax Lawyer

  • University of California, BerkeleyB.S., Molecular and Cellular Biology2011

    Golden Key National Honor Society

    Phi Beta Kappa