
Related Professionals
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
333 West Wolf Point Plaza
Chicago, IL 60654
United States
T +1 312 862 2000
We've moved! Our Chicago office is now located at 333 West Wolf Point Plaza.


Chicago is where Kirkland’s story began. Two young attorneys formed a partnership here in 1909, laying the groundwork for what would become Kirkland & Ellis. Our Chicago office includes nearly 800 attorneys and offers a full spectrum of legal services in our core practice areas of private equity, M&A and complex corporate transactions, litigation and investigations, intellectual property and restructuring. Lawyers in the Chicago office serve local, national and international clients in close collaboration with, and drawing on the experience of, lawyers from across the Firm’s global network. We are proud to be one of the most recognizable law firms in Chicago with a long history of involvement with the city’s prominent business, legal, civic and educational institutions.