Represent healthcare company and aerospace engineering company in criminal and civil antitrust class actions alleging conspiracy among competitors not to poach employees.
Represent healthcare company in putative privacy class action brought by users alleging the disclosure of personal information.
Represent national security space company in Delaware lawsuits arising out of alleged breach of indemnification and escrow provisions.
Represented oil and gas company in lawsuit alleging fraud and other claims based on purportedly false statements to regulators related to State trust funds for environmental cleanup at gasoline service stations.
Represented multinational food processing company in putative antitrust class action brought by farmers alleging conspiracy to fix prices of peanuts.
Represented various companies in confidential antitrust investigations conducted by the Department of Justice.
Represented health insurance company in breach of contract and bad faith action involving coverage for air ambulance services.
Represented global pharmaceutical company in state False Claims Act action involving allegations of Medicaid fraud.
Represented discount chain retailer in Delaware Chancery Court lawsuit alleging contract breaches arising out of FTC-mandated divestment of retail stores.