Spin-offs, Corporate Capital Structure and Disguised Sales, 91 Taxes 119 (2013)
Corporate Transactions and the Economic Substance Doctrine, 89 Taxes 163 (2011)
Monetization Strategies in Corporate Spin-Offs, 81 Taxes 287 (2003)
Selected Developments in Corporate Taxation, 50 Major Tax Planning § 2 (1998)
Reconciling Spin-Offs with General Utilities Repeal, 74 Taxes 941 (1996)
Organizing The Corporate Venture (Little Brown & Co.) (1995)
The Many Guises of Preferred Stock, 70 Taxes 793 (1992)
Selected Tax Issues in Partnership Debt Restructurings, 68 Taxes 861 (1990)
An Abecedarium on Alphabet Stock, 66 Taxes 954 (1988)
The Dealer-Investor Problem, in Federal Tax Aspects of Real Estate Transactions (R. Lang, ed.) (1987 + Supps.)
Holding Company Formations, 64 Taxes 846 (1986)
Federal Income Tax Considerations Affecting Start-Up Businesses, in Start-Up Companies (R. Harroch, ed.) (1986 + Supps.)
Debt Issued for Traded and Nontraded Property, 62 Taxes 1022 (1984)
Tax Aspects of Financing New Business Start-Ups and Second Round Financings Through R&D Partnerships, 42 N.Y.U. Fed. Tax Inst. ¶9 (1984)
Section 269 Revisited, 61 Taxes 881 (1983)
Bailouts and Bootstraps After TEFRA: Section 304, Section 306 and The Consolidated Return Rules, 61 Taxes 555 (1983)
Beyond Orrisch: An Alternative View of Substantial Economic Effect Under Section 704(b)(2) Where Nonrecourse Debt is Involved, 60 Taxes 937 (1982)
Speaker at numerous conferences and seminars, including University of Chicago Tax Conference, PLI, IIT-Kent Federal Tax Institute, USC Tax Institute, Tax Executives Institute, Law & Business Seminars, Chicago Federal Tax Forum, Chicago Tax Club, and IICLE.