
Justin Singh is a partner in the Los Angeles Intellectual Property Group focusing on patent, trade secrets, and copyright litigation and trials. Justin has experience in all phases of litigation, including pre-filing analyses and damages estimates, managing discovery teams, deposing and defending witnesses, working with experts, briefing and arguing motions, and preparing for trials and appeals. He has represented clients in a wide range of intellectual property areas, including medical devices and implants, wireless and network technologies, computer software, and microprocessors.

Justin also advises clients on matters before the Patent and Trademark Office, contractual and licensing issues, and commercial legal strategy.

Before law school, Justin earned a bachelor's degree in Information and Computer Science and worked as a software developer at Northrop Grumman Corp., where he designed and implemented custom software solutions using database and web technology.



Admissions & Qualifications

  • 2009California


  • United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
  • United States District Court for the Central District of California
  • United States District Court for the Northern District of California
  • United States District Court for the Southern District of California


  • University of Southern California, Gould School of LawJ.D.2009
  • University of California, IrvineB.S., Information and Computer Sciencecum laude2006