Award Chambers & Partners

America's Leading Lawyers for Business 2010: Outsourcing

Chambers & Partners has compiled its independent and objective list of America's Leading Lawyers for Business based on comments gathered from thousands of interviews with clients and lawyers from Maine to Hawaii. This guide — which is designed to reflect market opinion — contains a view of the firms and attorneys who are considered leaders in their field.

In Chambers' 2010 review of national legal talent in the area of "Outsourcing," our Firm and our lawyers are listed among the best in the country.

Chambers' comments:

Nationwide Ranking: Tier 2

The Firm: This Chicago-based firm represents both customers and suppliers, with a team of around 50 outsourcing lawyers nationwide. The group focuses on ITOs and BPOs as well as enterprise resource planning implementation agreements, application service provider agreements, supply chain management and investment management agreements.

Sources Say: "The lawyers truly know their stuff."

Key Individuals: Neil Hirshman acts out of Chicago, where he is "a go-to guy on tough questions, popular with venture capitalists." Gregg Kirchhoefer has a broad practice, which encompasses IP as well as outsourcing and other technology-related matters. Stephen Johnson acts out of San Francisco. He applies his extensive IP expertise to major outsourcing transactions.

Illinois Ranking: Tier 2

The Firm: This major Chicago firm maintains a broad-based technology practice. It takes on a wide range of work, including major outsourcings and complex corporate transactions involving technology companies.

Sources Say: "The group is tough but fair and focuses on getting a deal done that conforms to business principles."

Key Individuals: Gregg Kirchhoefer is experienced in advising technology and telecoms companies on major transactions, including outsourcings. Neil Hirshman is "innovative in outsourcing matters." He is also skilled in IP issues, acting on software development and related issues.

California Ranking: Tier 3

The Firm: This group is notably strong in ITO matters, and also regularly handles IP/IT-related M&A work, largely involving software companies. It also undertakes a significant quantity of patent licensing and dispute resolution related to IT transactions and outsourcings. The California team benefits from the support of the firm's nationally prominent IT and ITO group.

Key Individuals: Stephen Johnson is well known for his strength in the ITO arena. He "makes everything happen – he is exceptionally knowledgeable and experienced, and focuses on efficiency and close partner attention." His broad expertise encompasses outsourcings, patent licenses, transactions and settlements, and M&A.

Reprinted with permission from Chambers USA, America's Leading Lawyers for Business 2010 —