In the News CXO America

Outsourcing Benefits? The Sky's the Limit

Kirkland partner Neil Hirshman is interviewed as a primary source on outsourcing in this "Ask the Experts" column.

"Q: Why do companies outsource? What are the main benefits?

NH: By far the most common reason for outsourcing cited by various outsourcing studies is to reduce costs. My experience would seem to support those conclusions. However, companies are driven to outsource by a number of other reasons, including to improve focus on a company’s core competencies, free internal resources for other purposes, obtain resources not available internally and gain access to world-class capabilities and technology. On the last point in particular, many companies that are looking to implement a major new software system will use that opportunity to link together the system implementation and outsourcing of business processes."

This article appeared in its entirety in the July 1, 2005 edition of CXO America.