Press Release

Kirkland Moves Into New London Office

Kirkland & Ellis International LLP moved into new offices at 30 St Mary Axe on 3 April 2006.  Kirkland occupies more than 33,000 square feet of space in this landmark building, commonly known as `the Gherkin', in the heart of the financial district. 

"This outstanding new space will allow the Firm to grow to meet client needs in Europe," said Kirkland Partner, James Learner.  "We are excited to provide a world-class new home for Kirkland lawyers and staff."

The 40-story skyscraper opened in May 2004 and was designed by Foster and Partners, who are also responsible, amongst others, for the design of the London Millennium Bridge and City Hall, headquarters of the Greater London Authority. The offices themselves have curved glass walls to duplicate the exterior curve of the building, and an interior steel and glass staircase to facilitate communication between the floors.

In October 2004, the building received Britain's premier architectural award, the RIBA Stirling Prize.  It was a unanimous choice by the judges, the first time in the award's nine-year history.  The building, which was featured heavily in imagery for London's successful bid for the 2012 Olympics, also includes a first-class restaurant, private dining rooms and a bar/café exclusively for use by tenants.

In this transaction, Kirkland was represented by Savills property services group and the offices were designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.

About Kirkland & Ellis International LLP

Kirkland & Ellis is an international law firm with 1100 lawyers located in London, Munich, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington DC.  The London office has a reputation as a leading European private equity practice together with expertise in Corporate Restructuring, M&A and Capital Markets, Tax, Intellectual Property, Banking and Finance, International Arbitration & Litigation.