Law Firm of the Year (Transactions) in North America, Europe and Asia - Private Equity International (PEI) Awards, 2023
Serving more than 800 private equity clients around the globe, our practice generates the largest deal flow of any law firm. Kirkland consistently ranks at the top among legal advisers to private equity buyouts in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Our substantial end-to-end involvement provides a unique view into every facet of the PE landscape. Using market-moving technologies derived from our vast experience, we drive terms and set the market for the benefit of our clients.
From the middle market to mega funds, we represent sophisticated private equity investors across nearly all industries and sectors. With on-the-ground presence in all our offices, our private equity practice covers major financial centers around the world.
Private equity is a dynamic industry, and our practice grows and evolves to keep pace. Our lawyers assist private equity firms through the full life-cycle of a fund, from formation and fundraising through growth equity transactions, leveraged buyouts, going-private transactions, and recapitalizations, to dispositions and exits.