Dale Cendali, P.C.

Dale Cendali is a nationally recognized leader in the field of intellectual property litigation, having successfully litigated and tried numerous high-profile cases, and having argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. Her practice encompasses copyright, trademark, false advertising, patent, Internet, and trade secrets law, as well as defamation, the right of publicity, privacy, complex contract disputes and similar areas, including electronic discovery. Dale heads Kirkland’s Copyright, Trademark, Internet and Advertising Practice Group.
Recently, Dale was inducted into the 2023 IAM IP Hall of Fame. Dale was recognized as one of “Hollywood's Top 100 Attorneys” in 2020 and one of the “25 Most Powerful Entertainment Lawyers in New York” in 2024 by The Hollywood Reporter. In 2019, Dale was selected for the Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers in America “Hall of Fame.” In 2024 and 2018, Dale was recognized as a “Litigator of the Week” by The American Lawyer. In 2017, Dale was named “Outstanding Litigator: New York” at Managing IP’s North America Awards. Dale has been named one of Benchmark Litigation's Top 250 Women in Litigation in the 2012–2024 editions. In The World's Leading Trademark Professionals 2017 and 2021 report by World Trademark Review, Dale was recognized in "enforcement and litigation." In 2016, Law360 named Dale one of the 25 “Icons of IP,” who have “made an indelible mark in the IP area.” Dale was named in The 2016 BTI Client Service All-Stars report by BTI Consulting Group. In 2013, The National Law Journal selected Dale as one of the “100 Most Influential Lawyers in America.” The National Law Journal had previously named her one of “America’s Top 50 Women Litigators,” one of the “50 Most Influential Women Lawyers in America,” and one of “The Most Influential Lawyers” for media and entertainment. Dale has repeatedly been ranked as a “top tier” lawyer by Chambers Global and Chambers USA, which describes her as “one of the best lawyers in the country” in her field who combines “intellectual acuity” with a “tough, hard-working attitude”; a “superb litigator” who “thinks quickly on her feet and vigorously defends her clients.” Euromoney Legal Media Group also named Dale as “Best in Copyright [in] the Americas” at its inaugural Americas Women in Business Law Awards in 2012 and in 2013, and in 2014 was awarded “Best in Trademark [in] the Americas.” Dale also was included in Euromoney’s Benchmark guide, “The Top 250 Women in Litigation.” Dale was also selected as one of the “20 Most Influential Women in IP Law” by Law360. Managing Intellectual Property selected Dale as one of the six “Outstanding IP Practitioners” in the United States, and named her trial victory for J.K. Rowling on the high-profile “Lexicon” fair use case as the “Copyright Trial of the Year.” IP Stars has named Dale one of the “Top 10 Women in IP.” Dale was listed as one of Lawdragon’s 500 Leading Lawyers in America in the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 guides. The Legal 500 U.S. recognized Dale as a “Hall of Fame” attorney in the areas of copyright and trademark litigation in its 2023 edition. They also recognized Dale as a “leading lawyer” in the areas of trade secrets and media and entertainment litigation, and they recognized her for non-contentious trademark work. The World Trademark Review recognized Dale as a “Trademark Experts’ Expert.” IP Law & Business recognized her as one of the “Magnificent Seven - IP’s Best Young Trial Lawyers.” Dale was selected for The Best Lawyers in America in the area of Intellectual Property Law. She also has repeatedly been named by Super Lawyers among “The Top 100 New York Lawyers” and “The Top 50 Female New York Lawyers,” and was profiled in the feature story “Truth, Justice and the Cendali Way” in the 2007 New York Metro edition of Super Lawyers Magazine. World Trademark Review named Dale a "revered branding expert" who "remains keenly engaged in the development of the law. Dale has been recognized by the Harvard Law Bulletin as one of Harvard Law School’s “Nifty 50,” celebrating 50 of Harvard Law School’s alumnae. Dale was also selected as a litigation star in the 2013 edition of Benchmark Appellate. Kirkland was named by Managing Intellectual Property in 2014 as “Trademark Contentious Firm of the Year-Nationwide.”
Dale is also an adjunct professor at Harvard Law School, teaching copyright and trademark litigation. She is also a prolific writer and has long been active in the bar. In 2010, INTA elected Dale to serve as Counsel, the highest-ranking position in the organization for an outside counsel. She also previously chaired INTA’s Dilution and Enforcement Committees, and is the current chair of INTA’s inaugural Copyright Committee.
Dale was also the Vice Chair of the Copyright Division and chair of the IP Special Issues Division for the IP Section of the ABA, and currently serves on Council for the ABA IP Section. Among many other positions in the bar, Dale is also the former Chair of the Trademarks and Unfair Competition Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. In 2015 Dale was selected as an Adviser for The American Law Institute’s project, Restatement of the Law, Copyright.
Representative Matters
For more than 25 years, Dale has tried unique, high-profile cases in state and federal courts across the country and in a wide variety of subject areas:
Argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Twentieth Century Fox in Dastar v. Fox, a cutting edge copyright and Lanham Act case involving General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s acclaimed memoirs, having won trials below on liability and damages. The case ultimately ended with Fox obtaining a permanent injunction and a multimillion dollar award.
Represented Victoria’s Secret in a trademark suit against Victor Moseley of Victor’s Little Secret in Moseley v. V Secret Catalogue, Inc., which went up to the U.S. Supreme Court and resulted in a new dilution statute. The trademark fight started in 1998, when Victoria’s Secret sued Moseley for trademark dilution and obtained a permanent injunction against the mark “Victor’s Little Secret.” In 2003, the Supreme Court reversed and remanded the case to the Sixth Circuit. In 2006, however, Congress passed the Trademark Dilution Revision Act (TDRA). After passage of the TDRA, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit remanded the case to the district court, which again ruled in favor of Victoria’s Secret under the new TDRA. The Supreme Court refused to rehear the defendant’s appeal in March 2011, affirming victory for Victoria’s Secret. Dale was a key member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) Presidential Select Committee that helped rewrite the federal dilution statute and she played a prominent role in preparing for the Congressional hearings regarding the bill.
Won a highly publicized trademark, false endorsement and copyright fair use trial representing longtime client J. K. Rowling against RDR Publishing, bringing a halt to the proposed publication of an unauthorized Harry Potter “Lexicon.” Managing Intellectual Property named this trial “Copyright Trial of the Year” in 2009.
Led a Kirkland team that, along with co-counsel Orrick achieved a major, high-profile victory on May 9, 2014, before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on behalf of Oracle America, Inc. in Oracle America, Inc. v. Google Inc. Oracle had appealed an earlier district court opinion finding elements of Oracle’s Java application programming interfaces (APIs) uncopyrightable—APIs that Google admitted it copied in creating its Android operating system. The Federal Circuit reversed that decision, holding that both the source code of Oracle’s API packages and their structure were entitled to copyright protection as, among other things, they reflect numerous creative choices by the programmers. The decision, which has significant implications for the software industry and other companies that maintain their own software infrastructure, is receiving substantial attention from the media and is being discussed by the copyright bar as setting needed precedent on the issue of software copyrightability. The team later defeated Google’s petition for certiorari before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Won summary judgement for The Associated Press in a high-profile copyright fair use case suit brought by artist Shepard Fairey, in which the AP asserted copyright infringement claims arising out of Mr. Fairey’s unauthorized use of the AP’s photo of President Barack Obama to create the Obama “Hope” posters and related commercial merchandise, including t-shirts, sweatshirts and tote bags, during the 2008 presidential campaign. As a result of the AP’s discovery efforts, Fairey was eventually forced to admit attempting to destroy key documents and fabricating other documents, leading to a criminal investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Fairey and the AP later settled their dispute and the AP later won summary judgment on the fair use defense asserted by Obey Clothing, Fairey’s exclusive licensee for apparel using the “Hope” image.
Trial victory before the ITC (International Trade Commission) in a high profile case in which Kirkland and its co-counsel represented Converse in a trademark proceeding against more than thirty companies. Converse sought an exclusion order excluding knockoff shoes that infringe Converse’s iconic “Chuck Taylor” shoe design from entering the United States. Many respondents settled before trial and default judgments were entered against several foreign manufacturer respondents. Converse proceeded to trial against four respondents -- Wal-Mart, New Balance, Skechers and Highline United -- and prevailed. The judge determined that Converse’s trademark is valid and that each of the defendants infringed, and recommended a general exclusion order as to all infringing shoes and cease and desist orders against each defendant. Featured in the Law360 article: Converse Claims ITC Win Against Wal-Mart Over Chuck Taylors (Nov. 17, 2015).
Won summary judgment for Tetris Holding, LLC and The Tetris Company, LLC in a copyright and trade dress case filed against Xio Interactive, Inc., a start-up company that had released a knock-off Tetris game for the iPhone called Mino. After Xio contested Tetris’ Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) take-down notice, Tetris sued Xio for infringing its copyrights and trade dress rights in the visual expression and “look and feel” of its Tetris game. The case involved novel and complex issues of copyright and trade dress law — namely, what constitutes the protectable visual expression of a video game, as opposed to unprotectable “rules” and functional elements.
Won summary judgment in a trademark case for Otter Box, on the issue of priority by showing that the alleged prior use of the phrase “Lifeproof” had only been used descriptively and it had not exclusively used. Also won a preliminary injunction in a case enjoining them from using Lifeproof on iPhone cases.
Won dismissal of all claims on behalf of Scholastic Inc. in a copyright infringement action, based on the court’s ruling that J. K. Rowling’s fourth Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was not copied from “The Adventures of Willy the Wizard: No. 1 Livid Land,” a book written by Adrian Jacobs in 1987. The lawsuit, which was brought by Jacobs’s estate on behalf of his son, had sought profits from the sale of Goblet in the United States.
Won summary judgment on behalf of The Walt Disney Company on both forward and reverse confusion in a trademark case brought by the owner of “Mr. Men” and “Little Miss” literary works. The court also granted Disney’s motion to exclude plaintiff’s flawed confusion survey.
Won dismissal for Fox Entertainment Group, Inc. of a copyright lawsuit related to the successful television series “Modern Family.” The plaintiff alleged that “Modern Family” had infringed the copyright in his treatment and proposed pilot script. Dale filed and won a motion to dismiss the plaintiff’s claims in district court, based on the lack of substantial similarity between “Modern Family” and the proposed pilot script and the lack of merit to the plaintiff’s other claims. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed, and the U.S. Supreme Court denied the plaintiff’s petition for rehearing of its denial of his petition for certiorari.
Successfully defended Glaxosmithkline against a preliminary injunction regarding allegedly false advertising of Flonase® Allergy Relief in McNeil-PPC, et al. v. Glaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare L.P.
Won a jury trial in federal court in Art Attacks v. MGA Entertainment that successfully defended the makers of the Bratz dolls from claims that the Bratz dolls infringed plaintiff’s copyrights and trademark rights in their t-shirt designs and product names.
Won a landmark trial on behalf of the Martha Graham Dance Center, in a case that preserved Martha Graham's dance legacy in a bitterly contested contract, fiduciary duty and intellectual property battle against the heir to Martha Graham's estate.
Representing Bath & Body Works in a declaratory judgment action in New York against Summit Entertainment, the owner of the Twilight movie series, seeking a judgment that its use of the word “Twilight” in connection with its line of “Twilight Woods” personal care products does not infringe Summit’s rights. The case settled shortly before a four week jury trial was to start.
Representing Facebook and its affiliates in multiple trademark litigations involving its businesses, including defeating a preliminary injunction attempting to prevent it from using the mark Oculus Rift.
Represented Travelers Indemnity Company in federal lawsuit against Legal & General Group PLC and its affiliates, in which Travelers asserted that L&G's use of its multi-colored umbrella logo infringed Traveler's rights in its famous red umbrella logo.
Representing major U.S. consumer products companies, both offensively and defensively, in false advertising matters, including in connection with claim substantiation, consumer surveys, and litigation.
Represented Honeywell in class actions premised on fraud on the trademark office involving the famous Honeywell Round trademark for thermostats.
Represented Colgate-Palmolive in trademark infringement litigation involving the “Total” brand, its crown jewel. On behalf of Colgate, Kirkland filed two separate suits alleging trademark infringement, unfair competition, trademark dilution, deceptive trade practices and unjust enrichment against defendants, Johnson & Johnson and Chattem Inc.
Won summary judgment in a high-profile copyright and trademark action (Scholastic Inc. v. Stouffer) that accused J. K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books, of plagiarism. In the matter, awarded sanctions and attorneys’ fees because of claimants’ fabricated evidence.
Successfully defended the Gallo Winery from false advertising charges brought by Heublein in a case that involved the extensive use of survey experts.
Representing IBM in connection with a copyright and patent infringement case brought by CCP Systems Inc. in a case involving JScribe technology and international issues.
Successfully represented Twentieth Century Fox in a high-profile copyright, false advertising, and breach of contract lawsuit against Marvel Comics, Tribune, and Fireworks concerning the movie X-Men and television show Mutant X.
Represented Nuance Communications, a leading provider of speech and imaging solutions for businesses and consumers around the world, in several patent infringement, copyright, trademark, contract and trade secret misappropriation actions involving speech recognition and related technology, including cases in the Eastern District of Texas, Delaware, and in private arbitration.
Obtained a temporary restraining order on behalf of Trader Joe’s barring the Gristede’s supermarket chain from proceeding with its planned opening of a new store under the name “Gristede’s Trader John’s” and using trade dress that copied the distinctive Trader Joes’ style; the case settled on favorable terms shortly thereafter.
Secured a favorable settlement for License Management Co. during the second week of an expected three-week bench trial in the District of Connecticut in a case involving breach of fiduciary duty and corporate opportunity claims, and license rights to the world-famous “Swiss Army” branded products and trademarks.
Successfully represented J. K. Rowling in numerous intellectual property disputes nationwide, including a highly publicized copyright infringement action brought against the New York Daily News involving the premature release of excerpts of the fifth Harry Potter book.
Represented and advising Lionel LLC in all of its intellectual property litigation, and in developing, protecting and enforcing its intellectual property rights, including assisting to secure the reversal of a $40 million adverse judgment on trade secret claims that threatened the company with bankruptcy, and successfully resolving a high-profile trademark dispute against Union Pacific train line.
Won summary judgment for Twentieth Century Fox in a copyright infringement matter brought by the purported owner of the photograph allegedly used to create the “I WANT TO BELIEVE” poster in Fox Mulder’s office on The X-Files.
Successfully represented Time Warner Entertainment and related companies, such as Time Inc. and Home Box Office, in a variety of matters including a major fraud in the inducement contract case and the successful defeat of a preliminary injunction involving Time’s expansion of its “Real Simple” line of products.
Led a team in obtaining a unanimous federal jury verdict in favor of the American National Theatre, a nonprofit theatre organization in New York, in a trademark infringement case brought by ANTA, another nonprofit theater organization, over the right to the American National Theatre mark.
Representing numerous companies in the confidential planning and launch of new products, services and brands on a world-wide basis.
Obtained transfers of domain names pursuant to both the ICANN dispute resolution procedures and the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act and counseling on Internet issues in general.
Defeated as a prior restraint O. J. Simpson’s attempt to enjoin broadcast of the Simpson/Brown wedding video and later obtained a demurrer of the suit as failing to state a claim under privacy and unfair competition law.
Thought Leadership
“The Death of the Litmus Test,” Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property, December 20, 2023 (Co-Author)
“Litigating Scènes à Faire,” The Columbia Journal of Law & The Arts, May 5, 2020
ABA Copyright Litigation Strategies Handbook (co-editor, author of chapter “The Fair Use Defense: Strategic Considerations”)
“Copyright Litigation” chapter in Successful Partnering Between Inside and Outside Counsel (Robert L. Haig, ed., 1st ed., Fall 2000 and 2016 Supp. by West Group and ACA) (First Author)
“Current Controversies in Trademark Infringement Remedies: Profits and Damages, Injunctive Relief and Attorney Fees Under the Lanham Act,” ABA Spring Meeting 2014, April 4, 2014 (Co-Author)
“Hey, Those Bits Are Mine: Evolving Theories of Liability in 'Web Scraping,'” PLI’s Social Media 2104, February 26, 2014 (Co-Author)
“Gray Markets: Importation Rights v. the First Sale Doctrine,” PLI’s Enforcement & Litigation 2013, February 1, 2013 (Co-Author)
“New Trends in U.S. Trademark Litigation Involving Chinese Companies,” New York Law Journal, February 27, 2012 (Co-Author)
“Why Trademark and Copyright Counsel Should Heed the Patent Precedent of the Supreme Court,” Landslide, November/December 2009
“Copyrights and Wrongs,” The Economist on-line debate on proposed revisions to copyright law, May 2009 (Opinion Author)
“Eight Steps to a Powerful Opening,” 26 Communications Lawyer 11 Nov. 2008 (First Author)
Moseley v. V Secret Catalogue, Inc.: One Answer, Many Questions, 93 The Trademark Law Reporter 833, 2003 (First Author)
“How to Ensure Your Website Complies with Consumer Protection Laws,” Internet Law & Business, October 2002
“Trademark Protection and the Internet,” UCLA Symposium and INTA Annual Meeting, 2001
“Electronic Discovery,” PLI's Fourth Annual Internet Law Institute, June 2000
“An Overview of Intellectual Property Issues Relating to the Internet,” 89 Trademark Reporter 485, 1999 (First Author)
“The Internet and Jurisdiction: The International Experience," The Computer Law Association Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 2 1999 (Co-Author)
“Personal Jurisdiction in Cyberspace,” The New York Law Journal, July 20, 1998 (First Author)
“How to Protect Your Intellectual Property on the Internet?” Price Waterhouse Leadership Conference, 1998
“Freelancers Reeling In Fight Over Online Rights: Tasini v. The New York Times,” The National Law Journal, October 20, 1997
“Personal Jurisdiction and the Internet,” PLI's Annual Internet Law Institute, 1997 and 1998
“Net Use Raises Issues of Jurisdiction,” The National Law Journal October 28, 1996 (First-Author)
“You Name It: To What Extent Can A Surname Be Used As A Trademark?” Los Angeles Daily Journal and the San Francisco Daily Journal April 25, 1996 (Co-Author)
“In Lotus, The 1st Circuit Departed From Precedent, Narrowing Protection For Developed Software And Giving Crafty Litigators A Blank Disk On Which To Write,” The National Law Journal May 15, 1995 (First-Author)
“The Book Publishing Industry: Intellectual Property, Privacy, Libel and Contract Issues,” The Texas Bar Association, March 1995
“Other Methods of Proof,” The New York Bar Association's Practical Evidence Program, December 1994
“Computer Interfaces Test Copyright Law's Scope,” The National Law Journal, October 31, 1994 (First-Author)
“Lotus Case Highlights Copyright Issues and High-Tech Problems,” The National Law Journal, November 1, 1993 (Co-Author)
“Book Publishing,” University of Houston Law Foundation and University of California at Davis School of Law, July 1993 and July 1994
“Federal Preemption of State Dilution Statutes,” The New York Law Journal, April 12, 1993 (Co-Author)
“Sega Case Suggests Protection Strategies," The National Law Journal, January 18, 1993 (Co-Author)
“Ferrari Case Shows Collision of Competing [Trade Dress and Patent] Protection Concepts,” The National Law Journal, October 12, 1992
“Fact-Compilation Ruling May Hinder [Copyright] Protection,” The National Law Journal, June 17, 1991
“The Work for Hire Doctrine After CCNV v. Reid,” New York State Bar Journal, July 1990 (Principal Co-Author)
“Enjoining A Tender Offer for Misuse of Confidential Information: Is It A Show-Stopper or Can The Bidder Cure?” The Journal of Proprietary Rights [December 1989 (Part I); January 1990 (Part II)] (First Author), abstract reprinted in The Bowne Digest for Corporate & Securities Lawyers (April 1990)
“Representing The Employee In A Trade Secret Case,” The Corporate Analyst, August 1989 (First Author), Reprinted in The Corporate Counsel's Guide to Protecting Trade Secrets
“In Search Of Truth, A Review of Renata Adler's Reckless Disregard,” 15 Northern Kentucky Law Review 227, 1987
“Entering and Leaving the Employer-Employee Relationship, Planning For Possible Litigation, Strategic Aspects of Litigation,” Trade Secret Law Reporter, Vol. II, Nos. 10-11 (1987)
“Of Things To Come–The Actual Impact of Herbert v. Lando and a Proposed National Correction Statute,” 22 Harvard Journal on Legislation 441 (1985), Partially reprinted in M. Franklin, Cases and Materials on Mass Media Law 293-295 (3d Ed. 1987)
Press Mentions
“Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs,” The American Lawyer Litigation Daily, December 15, 2023
“An Exceedingly Impressive Group of Litigator of the (Past) Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs,” The American Lawyer Litigation Daily, August 16, 2023
“Law360's Legal Lions Of The Week,” Law360, August 7, 2023
“The Changing Landscape of Copyright Law in the Art World With Intellectual Property Authority Dale Cendali,” Art Sense, July 11, 2023
“Litigation Department of the Year: Intellectual Property,” New York Law Journal, October 1, 2021
“Encore! Encore! Here are the 2020 Litigators of the Week,” The AM Law Litigation Daily, December 23, 2020
“2020 Practice Group of the Year: Intellectual Property,” Law360, December 3, 2020
“2020 MVP: Dale Cendali,” Law360, October 8, 2020
“The Firms That Won Big at the Supreme Court,” Law360, July 10, 2020
“Litigators of the Week: Kirkland Trio Dances Off With a Win in Video Game Copyright Suits,” The AM Law Litigation Daily, June 5, 2020
“Kirkland's 'Bionic Women' Don't Mind Taking on the Boys,” New York Law Journal, April 22, 2019
“Intellectual Property, Comics, and the Law,” San Diego Comic Con; July 20, 2018
“The DMCA at 20: Current Developments and the Future of Section 512 of the Copyright Act,” USC IP Institute; March 20, 2018
NYSBA Media Law Committee Lunch; March 6, 2018
“The American Theatre Wing: 100 Years, 100 Voices, 100 Million Miracles,” BroadwayCon 2018; January 26, 2018
“Annual Trademark and Copyright Updates,” Law Education Institute; January 3, 2018
“Comics in the Courts,” San Diego Comic Con; July 21, 2017
PLI Panel; July 17, 2017
ABA Business Law Section Meeting; April 7, 2017
“Copyright at a Gallop,” ABA-IPL Spring Meeting; April 5, 2017
“The Legal World of Harry Potter,” Harvard Law School; December 5, 2016
PLI Technotainment; October, 19, 2016
“Intellectual Property, Comics & The Law,” New York Comic Con: CBLDF; October 8, 2016
“Inclusive Trade,” WTO Public Forum; September 27, 2016
“Comics in the Courts,” San Diego Comic Con:CBLDF; July 22, 2016
“New Cases in Copyright Law: Internet and Beyond,” PLI; June 23, 2016
“The Future Ain't What It Used To Be,” KCMBA Media Law Conference; April 29, 2016
“Television and the Wave of the Future,” ABA-IPL Spring Meeting; April 8, 2016
Protecting Superheroes: Copyright & Comic Book Characters,” Copyright Society of the USA; October 14, 2015
“New Cases in Copyright Law: Internet and Beyond,” PLI; June 25, 2015
“What’s Fair is Foul: How Has the Transformative Use Doctrine Transformed Copyright Law for Better or Worse?” Media Law Resource Center; May 15, 2015
“How to Create Alternative Fee Arrangements that Provide Value,” INTA Annual Meeting; May 5, 2015
“The Odd Couple: Right of Publicity and Social Media,” ABA Spring Meeting; March 25, 2015
“Smashing the Glass Ceiling,” Managing Intellectual Property International Women’s Leadership Forum; June 6, 2014
“Hot Topics & Recent Developments in Trademark Law,” City Bar Trademark Talk; May 20, 2014
“Hollow Remedies: Insufficient Relief under the Lanham Act,” ABA’s 29th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference; April 2-4, 2014
“Copyright Enforcement Update: Fair Use and Grey Market Goods," Practicing Law Institute; February 2, 2013
“Copyright Law and Practice in Canada Now: Analysis and Implications of the new Legislation and Latest Supreme Court Rulings,” Insight Information; December 3-4, 2012
Gave legal opinion regarding the Mario Puzo/Paramount dispute on CNBC's Closing Bell; August 30, 2012
Interviewed by Joel Rose on NPR's All Things Considered about the Shepard Fairy case; May 10, 2012
CLE Presentation, “Recent Developments in Copyright Law,” Time Warner; April 19, 2012
“US Enforcement of Important Copyright Assets,” Practicing Law Institute; March 28, 2012
“Hot Topics in Intellectual Property: Protection of Fictional Characters,” New York City Bar, Committee on Trademarks and Unfair Competition, Committee on Copyright and Literary Property; March 19, 2012
“Disruptive Technology: Digital Media & Its Effects on the Publishing World,” International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) Tech Series; March 8, 2012
“Battlefield Fair Use: Lessons learned from the Harry Potter Lexicon and the Shepard Fairey case and the current Appropriation Art Debate,” ALAI Canada Toronto Luncheon at Heenan Blaikie; January 13, 2012
“The Effect of Supreme Court Patent Jurisprudence on Copyright Law," ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law, Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference; April 2009
“That's All Well and Good, But How Do We Prove It? Evidence and Hot Substantive Issues,” 2009 Mid-Winter Institute, AIPLA; January 2009
“Copyright Considerations for User Generated Content,” American Intellectual Property Law Association, Annual Meeting; October 23, 2008
“Making Rain: Taking the Lead in Bringing in Business,” Celebration 55: The Women's Leadership Summit, Harvard Law School; September 2008
“First Chair: Trying Intellectual Property Cases,” American Bar Association, Annual Meeting: Commission on Women in the Profession -- Day of Equality; August 7, 2008
Memberships & Affiliations
International Trademark Association (Current Chair of the Copyright Committee; Former Counsel; Former Chair of Trademark Enforcement Committee; Former Chair of the Dilution Committee; Former Member of the Presidential Select Task Force on Dilution)
American Bar Association
- IP Section of the American Bar Association (Current member of Council; Vice Chair of Division III - Copyrights; Former Chair of Division IV - IP Special Issues; Former Chair of the Copyright Litigation Committee)
- Litigation Section of the American Bar Association (Former Chair of the IP Committee; Former Division Chair)
Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Trademarks and Unfair Competition Committee (Former Chair); Communications and Media Law Committee; Copyright and Literary Property Committee)
New York State Bar Association (Media Law Committee; IP Committee; Cyberlaw Committee)
Admissions & Qualifications
- 1985New York
- Supreme Court of the United States
- United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
- United States District Court for the Northern District of New York
- United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
- United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York
- United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan
- United States District Court for the Northern District of California
- United States District Court for the District of Colorado (inactive)
- Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division, First Judicial Department
- Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department
- Harvard Law SchoolJ.D.1984Editor-in-Chief, The Harvard Journal on Legislation, 1983–1984
- Yale UniversityB.A.summa cum laude1981Phi Beta Kappa