
Kim Nemirow is a partner in the Government & Internal Investigations Group in the Chicago office of Kirkland & Ellis LLP. Kim has nearly 20 years of experience advising multinational organizations and clients on highly sensitive and complex matters, including U.S. DOJ and SEC investigations, internal investigations and compliance matters. She has led countless investigations for private equity, pharmaceutical, medical device, technology and other clients into potential violations of the FCPA, securities laws and various health care fraud statutes. Having lived and practiced in Asia and Latin America for several years, Kim brings a deep awareness of international business and cultural norms to every matter.

A frequent author and speaker, Kim also is a key leader of Kirkland’s #MeToo Practice Group and regularly counsels clients on the legal and reputational risks related to issues of workplace misconduct and unlawful harassment. Kim also teaches a class at the University of Chicago Law School titled, “Enforcement Risks in Cross-Border Transactions.”


Thought Leadership


Co-author, “White-Collar Crime Practice Guide – Illinois (USA) Chapter,” Chambers & Partners (October 2024)

Co-author, “White-Collar Crime Practice Guide – USA: Law & Practice,” Chambers & Partners (November 2023)

Co-author, “CARES Act enforcement risks and compliance best practices,” IFLR Correspondent (April 2020)

Co-author, “U.S. economic sanctions: across last year,” Money Laundering Bulletin (February 2020)

Co-author, “White-Collar Crime Practice Guide – U.S. Chapter,” Chambers & Partners (October 2019)

Co-author, “INSIGHT: #MeToo at Two—What Have Organizations Learned?” Bloomberg Law (October 2019)

Co-author, “#MeToo Compliance — Two Years In, 'Wait-and-See' Is No Longer An Option,” Kirkland Governance Update (October 2019)

Co-author, “INSIGHT: World Bank-Financed Projects—Tips for Successful Participation,” Bloomberg Law (October 2019)

Co-author, “Och-Ziff Restitution Highlights Risks of Subsidiary Pleas in Criminal Resolutions,” Kirkland Alert (September 2019) 

Co-author, “DOJ Issues Most Detailed Guidance Regarding Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs to Date,” Kirkland Alert (May 2019)

Q&A, “Remediating, Mitigating, and Managing a Crisis,” fivehundred (April 2019)

Co-author, “DOJ Outlines New Approach to Corporate Compliance Monitorships,” Kirkland Alert (October 2018)

Co-author, “Legal Privilege in Internal Investigations and the SFO’s Compulsory Powers of Production: Two Cases in Two Days,” Kirkland Alert (September 2018)

Co-author, “INSIGHT: Risky Business: Private Equity’s Opportunity in the #MeToo Era,” Bloomberg Law (August 2018)

Co-author, “Second Circuit Draws a Line in the Sand: DOJ Cannot Use the Conspiracy and Complicity Statutes to Expand the FCPA's Extraterritorial Reach,” Kirkland Alert (August 2018)

Co-author, “Eight Steps to Take When Installing an Anti-Corruption Compliance Program at a Smaller Company,” The Anti-Corruption Report (June 2018)

Co-author, “Singapore Introduces Deferred Prosecution Agreements,” Kirkland Alert (April 2018)

Co-author, “Bidding for Business,” IFLR (April 2018)

Co-author, “Effective International Risk Strategies for Nontraditional Investments,” Bloomberg Law Securities & Regulation Law Report (February 2018)

Co-author, “Sanctions Year in Review,” Bloomberg Law Corporate Law & Accountability Report (December 2017)

Co-author,  “DOJ Solidifies and Sharpens FCPA Enforcement Guidance,” Kirkland Alert and Law.com (December 2017)

Co-author, “A Look at Argentina’s New Anti-Corruption Law,” Law360 (November 2017)

Co-author, “5 Takeaways from the Largest FCPA Resolution,” Law360 (September 2017)

Co-author, “Telia Pays Nearly $1 Billion in Penalties, Resulting in the Largest-Ever FCPA Resolution,” Kirkland Alert (September 2017)

Co-author, “No Need to Overreact: Protecting Privilege in the U.S. and U.K. After the ENRC Decision,” The FCPA Report (June 2017)

Co-author, “Corruption and the Greater Good: NGOs and International Compliance Risk,” The FCPA Report (June 2017)

Co-author, “Evaluating FCPA Pilot Program: The Data, The Trends,” Law360 (April 2017)

Co-author, “Navigating the UK Modern Slavery Act: A Compliance Challenge,” Risk Assistance Network + Exchange (March 2017)

Co-author, “Self-Reporting to the Authorities and Other Disclosure Obligations: The US Perspective,” Global Investigations Review’s The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations (January 2017)

Co-author, “Mexico moves forward: Sweeping new anti-corruption regime, presidential apology,” The FCPA Blog (August 2016)

Co-author, “Practice Note: How to handle real estate compliance risks,” The FCPA Blog (August 2016)

Co-author, “Compliance Alert: Enforcement hammer falls on real estate,” The FCPA Blog (August 2016)

Co-author, “Reps & Warranties Insurance From A Compliance Perspective,” Law360 (July 2016)

Co-author, “Clearing India’s corruption hurdle,” PERE News (June 2016)

Co-author, “Effective FCPA Compliance Strategies in the Wake of the Panama Papers,” The FCPA Report (May 2016)

Co-author, “From Corruption To AML: The Future Of Chinese Enforcement,” Law360 (March 2016)

Co-author, “Bribery and Corruption Reporting Obligations: China,” Practical Law Global (July 2015) (updated August 2017)

Co-author, “Navigating Corruption Challenges in India,” The FCPA Report (February 2015)

Co-author, “Corruption and Bribery Concerns Affecting Japanese Pharmaceutical Companies Operating in the United States,” New York Pharma Forum (January 2015)

Co-author, “Tips for an Effective Anticorruption Monitoring Program,” Corporate Counsel (September 2014)

Co-author, “Busting Bribery Post-Acquisition,” Private Equity International (August 2014)

Co-author, “The Implications of the 'Big Four' Suspension Ruling,” Bloomberg BNA Corporate Law & Accountability Report (March 2014)

Co-author, “China Anti-Bribery Rules Raise Questions For Life Sciences,” Law360 (February 2014)

Co-author, “M&A Litigation Goes Global,” Insights (May 2013)

Co-author, “SEC’s Charges Against Chinese Affiliates Of U.S.-Based Accounting Firms Have Broad Implications,” Bloomberg BNA Securities Regulation & Law Report (April 2013)


Panelist, “Compliance and Enforcement Trends and Challenges in USA and Europe,” Marval International Summit on Compliance, Anti-Corruption, and Investigations (June 2023)

Panelist, “FCPA Influence on the Enactment of Enforcement of Global Anti-bribery Laws,” FCPA@40 Conference (February 2018)

Presenter, “FCPA Enforcement Update,” ICC Mexico, Mexico City (February 2018)

Panelist, “Recent Developments in Fraud Investigations and Litigation Including Ponzi Schemes, Fraud and Corruption Matters,” Duff & Phelps’ 2017 General Counsel Symposium, Chicago (November 2017)

Panelist, “Global Test: When Does Privilege Apply?” Institutional Investor Legal Forum Fall Roundtable, Washington, D.C. (October 2017)

Presenter, “Panama Papers Revisited: One Year Later,” American Bar Association’s spring 2017 meeting, Washington, D.C. (April 2017)

Keynote Speaker, “Diploma on Anticorruption,” ICC Mexico in collaboration with Law School of Panamerican University (February 2017)

Presenter, “Discovery Issues in Chinese Litigations,” Consilio, Fordham Law, New York (January 2017)

Presenter, “The Changing U.S. Political and Enforcement Environment and the Impact on Compliance,” ICC Mexico, Mexico City (November 2016)

Panelist, “Anti-Corruption Developments in Latin America & Beyond: Managing the Mounting Compliance Concerns in Latin America,” The Hispanic National Bar Association Annual Convention, Chicago (September 2016)

Presenter, “Tendencias de FCPA en América Latina para Empresas Farmacéuticas,” Cámara Argentina de Especialidades Medicinales, Buenos Aires, Argentina (May 2016)

Panelist, “Conducting an Effective Internal Investigation in the Lava Jato Era and Reflections on an Effective Compliance Program,” Demarest Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil (May 2016)

Panelist, “Exploring the Career and Leadership Issues Raised in Lean-In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, Women’s luncheon, São Paulo, Brazil (May 2016)

Panelist, “The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and International Anti-Corruption Developments 2016,” Practising Law Institute, New York (May 2016)

Panelist, “Compliance, Ethics and Enforcement on International Trade Program,” The John Marshall Law School’s Center for International Law’s conference, Chicago (April 2016)

Panelist, “Chicago Foreign Corruption Conference,” 9th Annual Chicago White Collar Crime and Corporate Governance Conference, Chicago (April 2016)

Presenter, “Effective Monitoring and Risk Assessment,” Joint AdvaMed and APACMed Compliance Meeting, Singapore (July 2015)

Panelist, “How to Update and Localise your Global Anti-Corruption Programme to Protect Against the Unique Pitfalls and Risks of Operating in China,” C5’s 3rd Annual Australian Anti-Corruption, Compliance & Risk Management Summit (May 2015)

Presenter, “Focus on China’s Commercial Bribery Crackdown,” American Conference Institute’s 3rd Asia-Pacific Summit on Anti-Corruption, Compliance and Risk Management, Singapore (December 2014)

Presenter, “Distributor Management: Anti-corruption Risks and Best Practices,” Ropes & Gray Medical Device Roundtable: Distributor Management and Medical Device Tendering (July 2013)

Panelist, “How to Establish an Effective Third Party Monitoring Program,” American Conference Institute’s 6th China Summit on Anti-Corruption (June 2013)


Best Lawyers®: Recognized for Criminal Defense: White-Collar, 2024–2025 and Litigation – Regulatory Enforcement, 2023–2025

Chambers USA: Recognized for Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations, 2024

Legal 500 U.S.: Recognized for Corporate Investigations and White-Collar Criminal Defense, 2019, 2024

Legal 500: Named to “Private Practice Powerlist: US-Mexico,” 2022  

Global Investigations Review: “Women in Investigations,” 2018

Crain’s Chicago Business: “Chicago’s Notable Women Lawyers,” 2018

Chambers Asia-Pacific: Leading Lawyer, 2016

Legal 500 Asia-Pacific: Leading Individual in Regulatory: Anti-Corruption/Compliance, 2016

Chambers Global: The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business, 2015–2016

Chambers Asia: “Up & Coming,” 2015

Global Investigations Review“40 under 40,” 2014

Euromoney LMG Women in Business Law: “Rising Star,” 2013

Memberships & Affiliations

Lecturer In Law, Enforcement Risks in Cross-Border Transactions, University of Chicago Law School, (2019–2020, 2022–2023)

Founder, Hong Kong Chapter of the Women’s White Collar Defense Association, a global coalition of women attorneys and professionals who specialize in white collar criminal defense, 2013


Admissions & Qualifications

  • 2017Illinois
  • 2010District of Columbia
  • 2006Massachusetts
  • 2004New York


  • English
  • Spanish


  • Northwestern Pritzker School of LawJ.D.cum laude2003
  • Brown UniversityB.A., Public Policy1997