Pro Bono


Across the globe, Kirkland attorneys have a passion for pro bono. Our many relationships with legal aid organizations across the world empower us to identify and aid individuals and organizations that we can help with free legal services. - Leslie Smith, Chair, Firmwide Pro Bono Management Committee

We Show Up
2:35 min
As a leading global law firm, we take seriously our responsibility to give back to society through pro bono legal work. It’s a privilege to show up for our clients and communities.
We Show Up
2:35 min
As a leading global law firm, we take seriously our responsibility to give back to society through pro bono legal work. It’s a privilege to show up for our clients and communities.
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Kirkland is committed to providing legal services without charge to those who cannot afford counsel, with the goals of improving clients’ lives, bettering communities and deepening our own professional experience. In 2024, Kirkland devoted more than 170,000 hours to pro bono matters — some representing classes of individuals, some involving significant legal issues, and all important, sometimes life-altering, to the people and organizations represented.

We staff and support pro bono work with the same enthusiasm and resources that we devote to our billable work. Kirkland treats pro bono work equivalently with billable client work in performance reviews and for compensation purposes.

All of our attorneys — from summer associates to senior partners — have opportunities to work on a broad variety of projects that appeal to their unique interests, time availability and experience. Our award-winning pro bono work includes immigration law, disability rights, civil rights, criminal justice reform, discrimination cases, health and patient rights, veterans’ benefits, and the representation and counsel of various nonprofit organizations, among other areas.

We frequently partner with clients and public interest organizations on pro bono initiatives to maximize the impact of our work.

Our Commitment to the Most Pressing Issues of the Day
1:16 min
Kirkland is committed to pro bono legal work at every level of the Firm. We use our scale and experience to address the most pressing issues of the day, making a life-changing difference for our clients and communities.
Our Commitment to the Most Pressing Issues of the Day
1:16 min
Kirkland is committed to pro bono legal work at every level of the Firm. We use our scale and experience to address the most pressing issues of the day, making a life-changing difference for our clients and communities.
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More Than 170,000 Hours Dedicated to Pro Bono by Attorneys and Staff Globally

in 2024

2,000+ Pro Bono Matters Worked on Globally

in 2024

150+ Legal Service Organization Partners Globally

in 2024

“This is Why I Do Pro Bono at Kirkland”
1:35 min
Kirkland attorneys can pursue the pro bono causes they’re most passionate about, with the backing of Firm resources and the scale to make a major impact. Hear from some of our partners about the life-changing social justice matters that inspire them to make pro bono work an integral part of their career.
“This is Why I Do Pro Bono at Kirkland”
1:35 min
Kirkland attorneys can pursue the pro bono causes they’re most passionate about, with the backing of Firm resources and the scale to make a major impact. Hear from some of our partners about the life-changing social justice matters that inspire them to make pro bono work an integral part of their career.
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Pro Bono Partnerships

We have established strong relationships with many important public interest organizations and often partner with them to represent those in need. They include such groups as the Alliance for Children's Rights, the Legal Assistance Foundation, Lambda Legal, Sanctuary for Families, the National Women's Law Center, the Western Center on Law & Poverty, the Disability Rights Legal Center and the National Immigrant Justice Center.

30 Birds Foundation
0:58 min
Since August 2021, Kirkland has launched and participated in several pro bono initiatives helping Afghans evacuate their home country and resettle in North America, including a partnership with the 30 Birds Foundation that helped Kabul schoolgirls find refuge in Canada.
30 Birds Foundation
0:58 min
Since August 2021, Kirkland has launched and participated in several pro bono initiatives helping Afghans evacuate their home country and resettle in North America, including a partnership with the 30 Birds Foundation that helped Kabul schoolgirls find refuge in Canada.
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