Real Work, Early On

Evelyn’s Career Story

Evelyn Cai

Associate Chicago
Evelyn Cai
At every step, the Firm provides associates with the tools and encouragement to be the best lawyers they can be.


I’m proud to be a Kirkland attorney because of the Firm’s commitment to excellence. At every step, the Firm provides associates with the tools and encouragement to be the best lawyers they can be. This includes formal training programs like the Kirkland Institute for Trial Advocacy (KITA) and mentoring during the summer associate program and continues throughout your time at the Firm. Kirkland then channels this commitment into everything that it does, from billable client work in the most complex commercial cases to its extensive pro bono practice.

The most special part about Kirkland is the people I work with. These individuals have become close friends who have taught me how to be a better lawyer and a better mentor. They have shown me real dedication to a case and continue to inspire me and others through their tireless work ethic.

The people I’ve worked with at Kirkland are easily among the most talented lawyers I have ever met. They’re always coming up with creative solutions and delivering seemingly impossible wins for their clients. Beyond that, they are also incredibly kind. They consistently take time out of their busy schedules to teach and encourage me and other junior associates. At Kirkland, everyone is invested in helping you become the best attorney you can be.


One common misconception I held about being a litigation associate was that you spend the first several years performing legal research and document review. At Kirkland, I was surprised to see that this could not be further from the truth.

When I was a third-year associate, I presented the jury-testing presentation for an important Section 1983 pro bono case. Overseeing that presentation gave me first-hand experience engaging critically with trial strategy across all witnesses and experts and thinking through how to construct the most persuasive case for a jury. It pushed me to constantly think several steps ahead. Sitting in the driver’s seat was an irreplaceable experience that I’ll be taking to my upcoming trials.


Kirkland’s open assignment system allows every attorney to find the cases that best suit them. Cases range from incredibly complex commercial cases to bankruptcies involving major companies to fast-paced arbitrations and more. Because litigation associates can and are encouraged to work on cases that range in type and subject matter, we’re able to find the cases we naturally excel in.

Before I joined the Firm full-time, I wasn’t certain that I wanted to work in litigation. Kirkland provided me with the flexibility as a summer associate to try out restructuring work and to participate in a mock corporate negotiation. Not only did these experiences help cement my interest in litigation, but they also gave me insight into the Firm’s commitment to providing dedicated resources to its most junior associates to help them succeed.


Kirkland’s formal training programs are unparalleled. I personally found KITA to be the most helpful in my practice. As just a third-year associate, I was able to conduct a full trial (from opening statements to direct- and cross-examinations to closing arguments) in front of a mock jury. The partners leading each session and the jurors provided invaluable feedback on presentation and strategy, which I now keep in mind at real trials.
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