Kirkland & Ellis LLP ranked in the first tier in 15 categories, and was recognized as a leading firm in 34 additional categories, in the 2012 edition of Chambers USA, America's Leading Lawyers for Business. Chambers & Partners, based in London, produces the internationally recognized guides to the legal profession described by The New York Times as "the gold standard" in legal rankings. To compile its annual guide to the U.S. legal market Chambers conducted thousands of interviews with private practice attorneys and sophisticated end-users of legal services around the world.
Chambers & Partners also recognized the following 114 Kirkland lawyers for their individual achievements over the past 12 months:
Kenneth Adamo
Adam Alper
Gregory Arovas
Eugene Assaf
Daniel Attridge
Jon Ballis
Paul Basta
Leora Ben-Ami
Scott Berger
Nader Boulos
David Breach
Rachel Brown
Christopher Butler
David Callahan
Dale Cendali
Richard Cieri
Steven Clemens
Brian Davis
Mark Director
Edward Donovan
Stuart Drake
David Eaton
Neil Eggleston
Carter Emerson
Bruce Ettelson
Kevin Evanich
Scott Falk
Mark Filip
Michael Foradas
David Fox
Stephen Fraidin
Patrick Gallagher
Bruce Gelman
Andrew Genser
Douglas Gessner
Richard Godfrey
Samantha Good
Jeffrey Hammes
David Handler
Jonathan Henes
Andrew Herman
Mitchell Hertz
John Hickey
Neil Hirshman
Mark Holscher
Walter Holzer
Vicki Hood
Stephen Johnson
Chris Kallos
Natalie Keller
Marc Kieselstein
Michelle Kilkenney
Gregg Kirchhoefer
Christopher Kirkham
Sarah Kirson
Robert Kopecky
Joshua Korff
Mark Kovner
Brian Land
Christopher Landau
Andrew Langan
Daniel Laytin
Jay Lefkowitz
Russell Levine
Mark Lillie
Gregg LoCascio
Walter Lohmann
Todd Maynes
Andrew McGaan
Mark McKane
Kenneth Morrison
Timothy Muris
James Mutchnik
Linda Myers
Granta Nakayama
Emily Nicklin
John O'Neil
Sanford Perl
Daniel Perlman
Greer Phillips
William Pratt
Scott Price
Jay Ptashek
Kirk Radke
Claudia Ray
Stephen Ritchie
Donald Rocap
Andrew Running
Edward Sassower
Anup Sathy
Jonathan Schechter
Edward Schneidman
David Seligman
Jeffrey Sheffield
Andrew Small
Leslie Smith
Tefft Smith
Sallie Smylie
James Sprayregen
George Stamas
Matthew Steinmetz
James Stempel
William Streff
Joshua Sussberg
Maureen Sweeney
Laurence Urgenson
John Weissenbach
William Welke
Christine Wilson
Daniel Wolf
Andrew Wright
Michael Wright
Thomas Yannucci
David Zott
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