Kirkland & Ellis is advising CD&R on the M&A and reinvestment aspects as it enters into exclusive negotiations with Sanofi to acquire a 50% controlling stake in consumer healthcare champion, Opella, with Sanofi remaining a significant shareholder. CD&R’s acquisition of a controlling stake values Opella at approximately €16 billion (EV). Headquartered in France, Opella employs over 11,000 people, operates in 100 countries with 13 strategic manufacturing sites and four science and innovation development centers. Opella is the third-largest business worldwide in the over-the-counter and vitamins, minerals & supplements market, serving more than half a billion consumers worldwide.
Read the transaction press release
The Kirkland team includes corporate lawyers Adrian Maguire, Vincent Ponsonnaille, Laurent Victor-Michel, Jessica Corr, Emmanuel Enrici, Vincent Bergin, François Capoul, Douglas Collins, Callum Alder, Bing Yi Lim, William Blakeney, Amanda Levi-Acobas and Edward Mort; technology & IP transactions lawyers Emma Flett, Max Harris, Daisy Darvall, Martin Schwertmann, Calum Parfitt, Stephen Coudounaris, Yasmin Dilhe and Derek Ventling; tax lawyers Mavnick Nerwal, Siv Devakumar, Mike Carew, Nadine Gelli, Michael Akpomiemie, Nicholas Warther, Louise Chappey, Sonia Bouaffassa, Natasha Haftke and Rikesh Gandhi; and corporate healthcare lawyers Kate Hardey and Olivia Kaufmann.
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